Join Dr. Giuliano Bifolchi as he talks about the complexities of IS-Khurasan in this insightful interview. Explore the origins, strategic goals, and regional dynamics of this terrorist organisation as Dr. Bifolchi sheds some light on its recruitment tactics, financial sources, and cyber activities. Gain valuable insights into the role of major global players and the implications of current geopolitical tensions on IS-Khurasan’s growth.
- Differentiating Khurasan from the Islamic State Wilayat Khurasan (IS-Khurasan)
- Origins and Establishment of IS-Khurasan
- Significance of Incorporating Territory Names in Islamic State Titles
- Identifying Strategic Goals of IS-Khurasan
- Relationship Dynamics between the Taliban and IS-Khurasan
- Perceptions of IS-Khurasan within the Pashtun Community
- Potential Allies of IS-Khurasan
- Recruitment Strategies and Appeal to Followers
- Objectives of IS-Khurasan in Tajikistan
- Moscow’s Influence: Migration Patterns and Islamic Finance
- Primary Sources of Finance for IS-Khurasan
- IS-Khurasan’s Activities in the Cyber Domain
- Contrasting Innovative and Traditional Counterterrorism Approaches
- Roles of the EU, USA, Russia, and China in the Region
- Impact of Global Events on IS-Khurasan’s Strength
- Recommendations for Further Research Areas
Giuliano Bifolchi
Giuliano is a professional with a passion for intelligence, OSINT, and geopolitics. With a background spanning over 10 years, he focuses on strategic consulting, due diligence, and fostering critical thinking.
Professor in Web Intelligence & Open Source Intelligence, European Forensic Institute
Senior Intelligence Analyst, SpecialEurasia
Analysis of The Voice of Khurasan First Issue in the Tajik Language
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Storia del Caucaso del Nord tra presenza russa, Islam e terrorismo (Anteo Edizioni 2022)
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