In this interview with Professor Chandran Kukathas, we explore his groundbreaking ‘Theory of Diversity and Freedom’ and its implications for state sovereignty, multiculturalism, and democratic governance. Learn how his ideas challenge traditional perspectives on citizenship, tolerance, and state intervention, offering a fresh approach to managing societal diversity. This conversation is essential viewing for anyone interested in the intersections of liberalism, pluralism, and international relations.
- Inspiration Behind Professor Chandran Kukathas’ Theory of Diversity and Freedom
- Key Characteristics of the Theory of Diversity and Freedom
- The Theory’s Position within International Relations Theories
- Perspectives on State Sovereignty
- Concept of the Minimum State
- The Theory’s Relationship with Democratic Governance: Challenge or Complement?
- Implications for Multiculturalism
- Examination of Universal Values
- Freedom of Association vs. Citizenship
- Perspectives on Migration
- Understanding Tolerance within the Theory
- Role of State Interventions
Chandran Kukathas
Professor Chandran Kukathas, a distinguished political theorist renowned for his contributions to liberalism, multiculturalism, and the philosophy of freedom. His seminal work, ‘A Theory of Diversity and Freedom’, offers profound insights into managing societal diversity through the principles of liberal pluralism and minimal state intervention.
Chandran Kukathas is Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Political Science at School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University. He was Head, Department of Government at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) from 2015 to 2019. Before his appointment at LSE, Chandran was Neal A. Maxwell Professor of Political Theory, Public Policy and Public Service at the University of Utah and has taught at the University of New South Wales, Oxford University and the Australian National University.
He is a highly regarded political theorist best known for his contributions to multiculturalism and to the understanding and assessment of Hayek’s political philosophy. Chandran is a prolific writer and has published extensively in leading academic journals.
Selected Publications:
Kukathas, C. (2003). The liberal archipelago: A theory of diversity and freedom (1st ed.). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/019925754X.001.0001
Kukathas, C. (1989). Hayek and modern liberalism. Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press.
Kukathas, C., & Pettit, P. (2007). Rawls: A theory of justice and its critics (Repr). Polity Press.
Kukathas, C. (1998). Liberalism and multiculturalism: The politics of indifference. Political Theory, 26(5), 686–699. https://doi.org/10.1177/0090591798026005003
Kukathas, C. (2003). Responsibility for past injustice: How to shift the burden. Politics, Philosophy & Economics, 2(2), 165–190. https://doi.org/10.1177/1470594X03002002002