In this interview with Assistant Professor Elena Ziliotti, we explore the contrasts between meritocratic democracy and traditional governance, drawing insights from both Western and Confucian political theories. Ziliotti discusses the strengths and weaknesses of political meritocracy, offering reflections on its applicability in diverse global contexts.


  • Meritocratic Democracy vs. Traditional Governance
  • East vs. West: Understanding Meritocracy
  • Epistemic Superiority of Democratic Rule
  • Defining Public-Spirited Political Leaders
  • Addressing Voter Manipulation Concerns
  • Weaknesses of Political Meritocracy: A Confucian View
  • Political Parties in a Cross-Cultural Context
  • Democratic Institutions vs. Meritocratic Governance
  • The Role of Partisan Juries in Candidate Selection
  • Balancing Meritocracy and Democratic Equality
  • Singapore and China
  • Benefits of Confucian Insights for Western Democracy
  • Bridging Western and Confucian Political Theories
  • Influence of Eastern and Western Thought on Elena’s Research
  • Goals for Meritocratic Democracy in Diverse Contexts

Elena Ziliotti

Elena Ziliotti is a tenured Assistant Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. She works on Comparative political theory, focusing on debates in contemporary Confucian and Western political theory.

The latest book:
Meritocratic Democracy: A Cross-Cultural Political Theory

Selected Publications:

  • Ziliotti E. 2024. “Breaking the Mold: Normative Hybridity as the Key to Contemporary “Non-Western” Political Theorizing’” American Political Science Review (Online publication)1-14. DOI: 10.1017/S0003055424000194
  • Ziliotti E. 2023. “An Epistemic Case for Confucian Democracy,” Critical International Review of Social and Political Philosophy 26(7): 1005-1027. DOI: 10.1080/13698230.2020.1838736
  • Ziliotti E. 2022. “Questions for Hierarchical Confucianism,” The Review of Politics 84(3) 2022: 329–349. DOI: 10.1017/S0034670522000304
  • Ziliotti E. 2020. “Political Meritocracy and the Troubles of Western Democracies,” Philosophy and Social Criticism 46(9): 1127–45. DOI: 10.1177/019145372094837

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