In this in-depth interview, we delve into the proposed new Russian constitution project led by Dr Petr Safronov, driven by a republican political philosophy. Unpacking the reasons for this seismic shift, we discuss the various contributors to this constitutional change and the fundamental role of the republican political philosophy. We contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the current constitution, delve into its integration within the Russian legal framework, and discuss the need for a new constitution.
We examine the values at the heart of the proposed constitution, the concept of Russia as a ‘republic’, and the reasons behind potentially abolishing the Constitutional Court. We also explore articles related to secularism, the right to energy, academic freedom, citizenship, local budget auditing, and the Federative Treaty. This interview looks into the new roles of the President, the balance of power, minority rights, and the national symbols that reflect Russia’s identity.
- Reasons and Driving Force Behind the Project
- People Supporting the Project
- Role of Republican Political Philosophy
- Current Russian Constitution
- Issue With ‘Federation’
- Position of the Current Russian Constitution Within the Legal System
- Three Proposed Values and Principles
- Why Should Russia be a Republic?
- Can Russia Use Current State Infrastructure to Build a Republic?
- Russia Needs Working Institutions
- Why Should Be the Russian Constitutional Court Abolished?
- Russian Orthodox Church and Secularity
- Balanced Religious Perspective
- Energy Security in Russia
- Academic Freedom
- Getting Russian Citizenship by ‘ius soli’
- Auditing Regional Budgets
- Federative Treaty
- Role of the President
- Foreign Policy
- Symbols of Russia
- How to Implement All Provisions of the New Constitution?
- Other Drafts of Russian Constitution
- Is It Possible to Reform Russia Without New Constitution?
Petr Safronov
Petr Safronov is a philosopher, education researcher and artist. He is currently a guest researcher at the University of Amsterdam. In recent years, he has mostly worked on multidisciplinary initiatives at the intersection of science, educational design, and art with the Oxford Russia Foundation, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, EdTech firms, private schools, and social entrepreneurs. Petr publishes on philosophy, education studies, and history in both Russian and English.
Academia https://uva.academia.edu/PeterSafronov
ORCiD https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4973-653X