Dive deep into the intricate world of Russian politics and security affairs as we explore the influential role of Nikolai Patrushev in the Kremlin. From his longstanding relationship with Putin to the dynamics with figures like Sergey Naryshkin, this comprehensive breakdown offers keen insights into Russia’s power structure. Discover how Patrushev’s legacy in the FSB has shaped his political influence, his stance on foreign policies, and the challenges and vulnerabilities he faces in his prominent position.


  • An Overview of Russia’s Security Council
  • How Transparent is the Security Council?
  • The Patrushev-Putin Connection
  • Russia’s Triad of Power Sources
  • Patrushev’s Sons
  • Tracing Patrushev’s Legacy in the FSB
  • Diving into Patrushev’s Security Acumen
  • The Dynamics between Patrushev and Sergey Naryshkin
  • Is There a Challenger to Patrushev’s Influence?
  • Navigating Patrushev’s Role in Russian Foreign Policy
  • Has Lavrov Stepped Back for Patrushev to Lead?
  • Decoding Patrushev’s Anti-Western Stance
  • Unravelling Patrushev’s Conspiracy Narratives
  • Patrushev’s Counter-strategies against the West: A Look at Public Intelligence
  • Exploring Patrushev’s Vulnerabilities
  • Patrushev’s Diplomatic Outreach: Can He Forge Alliances for Russia?

Mark Galeotti

Professor Galeotti is a British historian, lecturer and writer on transnational crime and Russian security affairs, a director of the consultancy Mayak Intelligence. He is an honorary professor at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, a senior associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, and an associate fellow in Euro-Atlantic geopolitics at the Council on Geostrategy. Mark has written for The Spectator, The Moscow Times, Foreign Affairs, …

In Moscow’s Shadows Podcast

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