Join us as we delve into the cyber threat landscape in Israel and its international implications in our engaging discussion with Professor Chuck Freilich.
We examine how Israel has fortified its cybersecurity infrastructure, its approach towards offensive cyber operations, and the role of the Cyber Directorate.
We then explore the future of cybersecurity in Israel, considering the balance between robust defence and civil liberties. Geopolitical shifts and their effect on Israel’s cyber defence strategy provide further insights. We conclude with a look at a new, groundbreaking book that explores Israel’s cybersecurity evolution, which Chuck published in 2023.
- Overview of Israel’s Cyber Threat Landscape in 2023
- A Decade’s Evolution in Cybersecurity
- Significant Recent Cyberattacks on Israel
- Current Predominant Cyber Threats Faced by Israel
- Strengthening Israel’s Cybersecurity Framework
- The Private Sector’s Role in Bolstering Israel’s Cybersecurity
- Israel’s Stance on Foreign Technologies and Solutions
- Israel’s Global Cooperation in Cyber Threat Intelligence
- The Rising Interest and Shortage in Israel’s Cybersecurity Sector
- Economic Implications of Cybersecurity in Israel
- Geopolitics and Diplomacy: Their Impact on Israel’s Cybersecurity
- The Iranian Cyber Threat: An Analysis
- Unpacking Chinese Cyberattacks on Israel
- The Inspiration Behind a New Book on Israeli Cybersecurity
- The Utilisation of International Theory in Chuck’s Book
- Tackling the Most Challenging Chapter
- Embracing Academic Freedom in Israel
- Balancing Defensive and Offensive Cyber Policies
- Understanding Israel’s Civil and Military Cyber Strategies
- A Sneak Peek into Chuck’s Upcoming Book
- The State of the Academic Cybersecurity Community in Israel
Chuck Freilich
Chuck Freilich was a deputy national security adviser in Israel and a long-time senior fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He now teaches political science at NYU, Columbia and Tel Aviv universities.
Professor Freilich is the author of
• Zion’s Dilemmas: How Israel Makes National Security Policy
• Israeli National Security: A New Strategy for an Era of Change
• Israel and the Cyber Threat: How the Startup Nation Became a Global Cyber Power
Professor Freilich was a Senior Analyst at the Israel Ministry of Defense, policy adviser to a cabinet minister and delegate at the Israeli Mission to the UN.
He has appeared as a commentator for ABC, NBC, CNN, NPR, El-Jazeera and various US, Israeli and foreign radio and TV stations. He has been quoted in the NY Times, Washington Post and other media and published numerous articles and op-eds on a variety of Middle Eastern issues.
Furthermore, he is also a senior fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in Tel Aviv and the MirYam Institute.